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Strategic Assets Unlocked: Why client portals should be on your balance sheet

While the term suggests that a client portal is exclusively for clients, your client portal is a multi-faceted solution that will deliver benefits across every element of your business.

Your portal is -

(a) for your advisers to communicate on the move through their own dedicated app;

(b) for your business to re-engineer costly and time-consuming business processes;

(c) for all stakeholders and will increase the value of your business.

Empowering advisers on the move
A portal is not only a dynamic tool for your clients to stay in touch it is also a dynamic tool for your advisers to stay in touch too. As a smartphone app, moneyinfo will allow your advisers to stay connected and engaged, irrespective of their location. The ability to communicate on the move enhances their efficiency and responsiveness, ultimately benefiting everyone in your organisation. 

Re-engineering everyday business processes
Efficiency is the backbone of any successful business. A moneyinfo portal serves as a catalyst for cleansing your data and re-engineering outdated, costly, and time-consuming business and compliance processes. It’s a few clicks to deliver a report, track that it’s been read, ask for a signature … it’s all really easy with a moneyinfo portal. Link activities together visually and produce amazing workflows that can automate your onboarding and client reviews. Our aim is to liberate you from your repetitive tasks leaving you free to deliver advice.

“We now have over 1,200 clients using the portal.  We have found that once workflow is started by a client, 95% of them complete the entire journey without any chasing from our team. Freeing up our team’s time for coaching our clients rather than chasing them.”

Dan McMahon
Head of Technology and Innovation
Hymans Robertson Personal Wealth

It’s a tool for all your stakeholders.
The true power of a moneyinfo portal lies in its ability to engage all your stakeholders. Advisers, paraplanners, your admin team, your partners, your introducers and your professional connections. Our platform is a hub for seamless communication, collaboration, and data exchange. This inclusivity ensures that everyone involved in the wealth management ecosystem contributes to and benefits from the increased value generated.

Enhancing the Value of Your Business
Your portal is an investment in the future of your business. It gives you 24/7 access to clean, updated data which can deliver great management information and everyone in your organisation will benefit. It contributes to the overall value proposition of your business.  Your business will be worth more to potential acquirers as you’ll know your numbers and can demonstrate how effectively you’re growing and managing the business. 

Your clients will appreciate and stay loyal to a business that values their time, provides accessible communication channels, and consistently delivers a superior and accurate experience. The strength of your client retention will further lift your business value.

In conclusion, don’t think of your portal as a one-dimensional tool for client interaction. It’s a dynamic platform that caters to the complex needs of modern planning and wealth management businesses, offering benefits that extend far beyond client communication. From empowering advisers on the move to re-engineering business processes and engaging all stakeholders, your portal is a strategic asset that contributes significantly to the growth, efficiency, and value of your business.

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It's not just a portal, it’s a better way of doing business
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